Nominations Committee Report
27th Annual General Meeting 2022
There are nine elected Trustees on the Foundation Board, each of whom is elected for a three-year term. The terms are staggered so that three Trustees are elected each year.
At this time there are three positions to be filled, these positions becoming vacant due to the completion of three-year terms. The following incumbents have agreed to re-offer for a further three-year term.
The candidates re-offering are David Hirsch, David Lang, and Bill MacKeen.
David Hirsch had been a Trustee for the past sixteen years, with a three-year hiatus, returning in 2017. David is the Board’s Vice Chair, and currently sits on the Disbursement Committee, as well as the Investment Committee.
David Lang has been with the Foundation for eight years and sits on the Investment Committee.
Bill MacKeen has been with the Foundation for three years and sits on the Nominating Committee.
I am therefore pleased to place the names of David Hirsch, David Lang, and Bill MacKeen for election to the EKM Health Foundation Board.
Respectfully submitted,
Merle MacDonald
Chair, Nomination Committee